Sunday, October 24, 2010

Caramel Apple Crepes

Sundays are the days I experiment bake. Today, something beautiful was born.

I have some frozen left-over crepes from a while back and I slowly use them as I have extra ingredients (great for college kids and their random grocery lists). Today I decided I wanted to make some sort of Caramel Apple Crepe. I had two apples, and the crepes obviously. The crepe recipe is top secret, as per boyf's instructions, but you can find many good recipes online. I found this caramel sauce recipe and loosely followed it.

First I diced the apples and put them on medium heat. You can cook them down to the tenderness of your liking. I added a pinch of ground cinnamon, ground allspice, and ground cloves to them, and added a little water (as needed) to keep them from sticking to the pan.
While they cooked I made the caramel sauce. It's pictured below in the process of being made; I didn't get a picture of the final thing, but this sauce was AMAZING. It had great flavor and wasn't too runny.
When the sauce was done, I added maybe half a cup or so to the apples (while they were still on the pan). This helped flavor the apples and the caramel also cooked crispy on the pan. I scraped it all into the reheated crepes, crusties, apples and all, and topped it with sauce.
Seriously... the final product was amazing. It was warm and yummy and perfect for a fall day. Highly recommend the sauce and the combo. Turned out great.

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